Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bath and Body Works and Baby Shower Gifts trip!

Why is it so hard to buy baby shower gifts when you don't have any kids??? oh yeah, cause you don't have any kids..UGG! So my adventures started this morning when I decided I had to go to bath and body works and get some room spray and a FREE candle..yep I was sucked in. I did have some coupons to use so I really only spent $8.00 between 2 transactions so not horrible.  I begged the hubs to come in and get a giveaway candle and a room spray so that I could give it away..LOL He was mortified, he hates the girly stores he says..(i didn't know B&BW was girly.. :0p ). But anywho, then I needed a baby shower gift and a gift for a friend of my hubby. We went into like 3 places and I finally found the most adorb's outfit ever. Cute pj's with a monkey on it....bought only to realize it was 6/9 mo.. *FacePalm   So we took it back and they didn't have the cute monkey in 3/6 mo. (grrrrrr) So took the less cute bear, monkey, dog combo and away we go.  So off we go to Sam's Club to get a box of diapers and eat free food samples of course.  Get there only to realize we have no clue what size or type of diapers to buy.....had to call his buddy to ask..end of surprise... Oh well! Its very hard to buy for someone you have never had any experience buying for.  We WANT children soooooo bad and hopefully will have a child one day but until then I sit in the diaper aisle about to cry and completely confused!! LOL thank God for cell phones and texting to find out sizes.. So anyway, my ramble is over but hope everyone has had a great day!!! We are going to meet a new baby boy tonight and I get to cuddle an almost 2 year old!! Awwwwwwww!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Prize Mail

Got this in the mail yesterday from Right @ Home! Thanks to them and SC Johnson! These ziplock bags will be put to good use!